Source code for

#Copyright 2019 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#License: MIT
#This file is part of MSDNet, a Python implementation of the
#Mixed-Scale Dense Convolutional Neural Network.

"""Module implementing neural networks."""

from . import operations
from . import store
import numpy as np
import abc
import threading

[docs]class Network(abc.ABC): """Base class for a neural network."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def forward(self, im, returnoutput=True): """Compute a forward pass of the network. :param im: input image (channels x rows x columns) :param returnoutput: whether to return the output image (default: True) :return: output image (channels x rows x columns) """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def backward(self, im): """Compute a backpropagation pass of the network. Sensitivity maps of each intermediate image are stored within the network. :param im: error gradient image (channels x rows x columns) """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def gradient_zero(self): """Set all gradient variables to zero. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def gradient(self): """Compute gradient variables using computed sensitivity maps. """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def getgradients(self): """Return a flat array with all gradient variables. :return: all gradient variables """ pass
[docs] def updategradients(self, u): """Update variables of network within a thread. :param u: update variables """ # Run __updategradients in thread to prevent SIGINT thrd = threading.Thread(target=self.updategradients_internal, args=(u,)) thrd.start() thrd.join()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def updategradients_internal(self, u): """Update variables of network. :param u: update variables """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def to_dict(self): """Return a dictionary containing all network variables and parameters. :return: all network variables and parameters """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def load_dict(self, dct): """Set all network variables and parameters from dictionary. :param dct: all network variables and parameters """ pass
[docs] @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def from_dict(cls, dct, gpu=True): """Initialize network and all network variables and parameters from dictionary. :param dct: all network variables and parameters """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fn, gpu=True, groupname='network'): """Initialize network and all network variables and parameters from file. :param fn: filename :param gpu: (optional) whether to use GPU or CPU """ dct = store.get_dict(fn, groupname) return cls.from_dict(dct, gpu=gpu)
[docs] def to_file(self, fn, groupname='network'): """Save all network variables and parameters to file. :param fn: filename """ store.store_dict(fn, groupname, self.to_dict())
[docs] def normalizeinout(self, datapoints): """Normalize input and output of network to zero mean and unit variance. :param datapoints: list of datapoints to compute normalization factors with. """ self.normalizeinput(datapoints) self.normalizeoutput(datapoints)
[docs]class MSDNet(Network): """Main implementation of a Mixed-Scale Dense network. :param d: depth of network (width is always 1) :param dil: :class:`.dilations.Dilations` class defining dilations :param nin: number of input channels :param nout: number of output channels :param gpu: (optional) whether to use GPU or CPU """ def __init__(self, d, dil, nin, nout, gpu=True): self.d = d self.nin = nin self.nout = nout # Fill dilation list if dil: dil.reset() self.dl = np.array([dil.nextdil() for i in range(d)],dtype=np.int32) # Set up temporary images, force creation in first calls self.ims = np.zeros(1) = np.zeros(1) self.indelta = np.zeros(1) self.fshape = (3,3) self.axesslc = (slice(None), None, None) self.revf = (slice(None,None,-1),slice(None,None,-1)) self.ndim = 2 if gpu: from . import gpuoperations self.dataobject = gpuoperations.GPUImageData else: self.dataobject = operations.ImageData # Set up filters self.f = [] for i in range(d): self.f.append(np.zeros((nin+i,*self.fshape),dtype=np.float32)) self.fg = [np.zeros_like(k) for k in self.f] # Set up weights self.w = np.zeros((nout,nin+d),dtype=np.float32) self.wg = np.zeros_like(self.w) # Set up offsets self.o = np.zeros(d, dtype=np.float32) self.og = np.zeros_like(self.o) self.oo = np.zeros(nout, dtype=np.float32) self.oog = np.zeros_like(self.oo)
[docs] def forward(self, im, returnoutput=True): if self.nin==1 and len(im.shape)==self.ndim: im = im[np.newaxis] if im.shape[0]!=self.nin: raise ValueError("Number of input channels ({}) does not match expected number ({}).".format(im.shape[0], self.nin)) if im.shape[1:]!=self.ims.shape[1:]: self.ims = self.dataobject((self.d+self.nin, *im.shape[1:]),self.dl,self.nin) self.out = self.dataobject((self.nout, *im.shape[1:]),self.dl,self.nin) self.ims.setimages(im) self.scaleinput() self.ims.setscalars(self.o[self.axesslc], start=self.nin) self.ims.prepare_forw_conv(self.f) for i in range(self.d): self.ims.forw_conv(i, self.nin+i, self.dl[i]) self.ims.relu(self.nin+i) self.out.setscalars(self.oo[self.axesslc]) self.out.combine_all_all(self.ims, self.w) self.scaleoutput() if returnoutput: return self.out.copy()
[docs] def backward(self, im, inputdelta=False): if im.shape[1:]![1:]: = self.dataobject((self.d, *im.shape[1:]), self.dl, self.nin) self.deltaout = self.dataobject(im.shape, self.dl, self.nin) else: self.deltaout.setimages(im) self.scaleoutputback() wt = self.w[:,self.nin:].transpose().copy(), wt)[0]-1, self.ims, self.ims.shape[0]-1) back_f = {} for i in reversed(range(self.d-1)): fb = np.zeros((self.d-i-1,*self.fshape),dtype=np.float32) for j in range(i+1,self.d): fb[j-i-1] = self.f[j][self.nin+i][self.revf] back_f[i] = fb for i in reversed(range(self.d-1)):,self.dl), self.ims, self.nin+i) if inputdelta: if im.shape[1:]!=self.indelta.shape[1:]: self.indelta = np.zeros((self.nin, *im.shape[1:]), dtype=np.float32) self.indelta.fill(0) do = self.deltaout.get() de = for i in range(self.nin): fb = np.zeros((self.d,*self.fshape),dtype=np.float32) for j in range(self.d): fb[j] = self.f[j][i][self.revf] for j in range(self.nout): operations.combine(do[j], self.indelta[i], self.w[j,i]) for j in range(self.d): operations.conv2d(de[j], self.indelta[i], fb[j], self.dl[j])
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initialize network parameters.""" for f in self.f: f[:] = np.sqrt(2/(f[0].size*(self.nin+self.d-1)+self.nout))*np.random.normal(size=f.shape) self.o[:]=0 self.w[:]=0 self.oo[:]=0
[docs] def gradient_zero(self): self.wg[:]=0 for fg in self.fg: fg[:]=0 self.og[:]=0 self.oog[:]=0
[docs] def gradient(self): self.oog += self.deltaout.sumall() self.og += self.wg += self.ims.weightgradientall(self.deltaout) self.filtergradient()
[docs] def filtergradient(self): """Compute filter gradient values.""" fg =,3,3)) idx = 0 for i in range(self.d): self.fg[i] += fg[idx:idx+self.nin+i] idx+=self.nin+i
[docs] def getgradients(self): fgu = np.hstack([f.ravel() for f in self.fg]) return np.hstack([self.wg.ravel(),fgu.ravel(),self.og.ravel(),self.oog.ravel()]).ravel()
[docs] def updategradients_internal(self, u): w = self.w.ravel() idx = 0 for i in range(w.shape[0]): w[i] += u[idx] idx+=1 for f in self.f: fr = f.ravel() for i in range(fr.shape[0]): fr[i] += u[idx] idx+=1 o = self.o.ravel() for i in range(o.shape[0]): o[i] += u[idx] idx+=1 oo = self.oo.ravel() for i in range(oo.shape[0]): oo[i] += u[idx] idx+=1
[docs] def setinputscale(self, gamma, offset): """Set input normalization values.""" self.gam_in = gamma self.off_in = offset
[docs] def setoutputscale(self, gamma, offset): """Set output normalization values.""" self.gam_out = gamma self.off_out = offset
[docs] def scaleinput(self): """Normalize input image.""" try: for i in range(self.nin): self.ims.mult(self.gam_in[i], i) self.ims.add(self.off_in[i], i) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def scaleoutput(self): """Rescale output image.""" try: for i in range(self.nout): self.out.mult(self.gam_out[i], i) self.out.add(self.off_out[i], i) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def scaleoutputback(self): """Rescale output image during backpropagation.""" try: for i in range(self.nout): self.deltaout.mult(1/self.gam_out[i], i) except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def normalizeinput(self, datapoints): """Normalize input of network to zero mean and unit variance. :param datapoints: list of datapoints to compute normalization factors with. """ nd = len(datapoints) allmeans = [] allstds = [] for d in datapoints: inp, _, _ = d.getall() means = [] stds = [] for im in inp: mn = operations.sum(im)/im.size std = operations.std(im, mn) means.append(mn) stds.append(std) allmeans.append(means) allstds.append(stds) mean = np.array(allmeans).mean(0) std = np.array(allstds).mean(0) self.gam_in = (1/std).astype(np.float32) self.off_in = (-mean/std).astype(np.float32)
[docs] def normalizeoutput(self, datapoints): """Normalize output of network to zero mean and unit variance. :param datapoints: list of datapoints to compute normalization factors with. """ nd = len(datapoints) allmeans = [] allstds = [] for d in datapoints: _, inp, _ = d.getall() means = [] stds = [] for im in inp: mn = operations.sum(im)/im.size std = operations.std(im, mn) means.append(mn) stds.append(std) allmeans.append(means) allstds.append(stds) mean = np.array(allmeans).mean(0) std = np.array(allstds).mean(0) self.gam_out = (std).astype(np.float32) self.off_out = (mean).astype(np.float32)
[docs] def to_dict(self): dct = {} dct['d'] = self.d dct['nin'] = self.nin dct['nout'] = self.nout dct['dl'] = self.dl.copy() dct['w'] = self.w.copy() dct['o'] = self.o.copy() dct['oo'] = self.oo.copy() try: dct['gam_in'] = self.gam_in dct['off_in'] = self.off_in except AttributeError: pass try: dct['gam_out'] = self.gam_out dct['off_out'] = self.off_out except AttributeError: pass dctf = {} for i in range(self.d): dctf['{:05d}'.format(i)] = self.f[i].copy() dct['f'] = dctf return dct
[docs] def load_dict(self, dct): self.dl = dct['dl'].copy() self.w[:] = dct['w'] self.o[:] = dct['o'] self.oo[:] = dct['oo'] try: self.gam_in = dct['gam_in'] self.off_in = dct['off_in'] except KeyError: pass try: self.gam_out = dct['gam_out'] self.off_out = dct['off_out'] except KeyError: pass dctf = dct['f'] for i in range(self.d): self.f[i] = dctf['{:05d}'.format(i)] pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct, gpu=True): n = cls(dct['d'], None, dct['nin'], dct['nout'], gpu=gpu) n.load_dict(dct) return n
[docs]class SegmentationMSDNet(MSDNet): """Main implementation of a Mixed-Scale Dense network for segmentation. Same parameters as :class:`MSDNet`. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args,**kwargs)
[docs] def forward(self, im, returnoutput=True): super().forward(im, returnoutput=False) self.out.softmax() if returnoutput: return self.out.copy()
[docs] def normalizeoutput(self, datapoints): pass