Source code for nnfbp.SimpleCPUProjector

#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#This file is part of the PyNN-FBP, a Python implementation of the
#NN-FBP tomographic reconstruction method.
#PyNN-FBP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#PyNN-FBP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with PyNN-FBP. If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import scipy.weave

[docs]class ProjectorTranspose(): """Implements the ``proj.T`` functionality. Do not use directly, since it can be accessed as member ``.T`` of an :class:`Projector` object. """ def __init__(self, parentProj): self.parentProj = parentProj def __mul__(self, data): return self.parentProj.backProject(data)
[docs]class Projector(object): """Implementation of the projector interface using the CPU. A projector needs to implement: * Forward projecting * Back projecting * Creating a FBP reconstruction with a custom filter You can use this class as an abstracted weight matrix :math:`W`: multiplying an instance ``proj`` of this class by an image results in a forward projection of the image, and multiplying ``proj.T`` by a sinogram results in a backprojection of the sinogram:: proj = Projector(...) fp = proj*image bp = proj.T*sinogram :param recSize: Width/height of the reconstruction volume. (only 2D squares are supported) :type recSize: :class:`int` :param angles: Array with angles in radians. :type angles: :class:`numpy.ndarray` """ __backProjectCode = """ #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(sinA,cosA,size,nAngles) for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ for(int j=0;j<size;j++){ float detMid = (size-1.)/2.; img(i,j)=0; //if((i-detMid)*(i-detMid)+(j-detMid)*(j-detMid)>=bnd) return; float x = (j - detMid); float y = -(i-detMid); float projPos; int lr,rr; float df; for(int k=0;k<nAngles;k++){ projPos = x*cosA(k)+y*sinA(k) + detMid; lr = (int)projPos; rr = lr+1; df = projPos-lr; if(lr>=0&&lr<size) img(i,j) += (1-df)*sino(k,lr); if(rr>=0&&rr<size) img(i,j) += df*sino(k,rr); } } } """ __forwProjectCode = """ #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(sinA,cosA,size,nAngles) for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ for(int j=0;j<nAngles;j++){ float detMid = (size-1.)/2.; float sA = sinA(j); float cA = cosA(j); float df,df2; float xpos,ypos; float corr; int yps,xps; int lr,rr; sino(j,i)=0; if(fabs(cA)>fabs(sA)){ df = sA/cA; corr = abs(1./cA); yps = 0; xpos = detMid+((i-detMid)-(yps-detMid)*sA)/cA; for(int k=0;k<size;k++){ lr = (int)xpos; rr = lr+1; df2 = xpos-lr; if(lr>=0&&lr<size) sino(j,i) += (1-df2)*img(size-yps-1,lr); if(rr>=0&&rr<size) sino(j,i) += df2*img(size-yps-1,rr); yps++; xpos-=df; } }else{ df = cA/sA; corr = abs(1./sA); xps = 0; ypos = detMid+((i-detMid)-(xps-detMid)*cA)/sA; for(int k=0;k<size;k++){ lr = (int)ypos; rr = lr+1; df2 = ypos-lr; if(lr>=0&&lr<size) sino(j,i) += (1-df2)*img(size-lr-1,xps); if(rr>=0&&rr<size) sino(j,i) += df2*img(size-rr-1,xps); xps++; ypos-=df; } } sino(j,i)*=corr; } } """ def __mul__(self, data): return self.forwProject(data)
[docs] def filterSinogram(self, filt, sino): '''Filter a sinogram ``sino`` with filter ``filt``. Used internally.''' ff = np.fft.rfft(filt, n=self.fSnpo2) sf = np.fft.rfft(sino, n=self.fSnpo2, axis=1) cv = np.fft.irfft(sf*ff, axis=1) return cv[:, self.nDet/2:3*self.nDet/2]
[docs] def reconstructWithFilter(self,sinogram,filt): """Create a FBP reconstruction of the sinogram with a custom filter :param sinogram: The sinogram data :type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :param filt: 1D custom filter :type filt: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The reconstruction. """ fSino = self.filterSinogram(filt,sinogram) return self.backProject(fSino)
[docs] def forwProject(self, image): """Forward project an image. :param image: The image data. :type image: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The forward projection. """ sino = np.zeros((self.nProj, self.nDet)) scipy.weave.inline(self.__forwProjectCode, ['img', 'sino', 'size', 'nAngles', 'sinA', 'cosA'], local_dict={'img': image, 'sino': sino, 'size': self.recSize, 'nAngles': self.nProj, 'sinA': self.sinA, 'cosA': self.cosA},type_converters=scipy.weave.converters.blitz,extra_compile_args=["-march=native","-fopenmp"],libraries=['gomp']) return sino
[docs] def backProject(self, sino): """Backproject a sinogram. :param sinogram: The sinogram data :type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The backprojection. """ image = np.zeros((self.recSize, self.recSize)) scipy.weave.inline(self.__backProjectCode, ['img', 'sino', 'size', 'nAngles', 'sinA', 'cosA'], local_dict={'img': image, 'sino': sino, 'size': self.recSize, 'nAngles': self.nProj, 'sinA': self.sinA, 'cosA': self.cosA},type_converters=scipy.weave.converters.blitz,extra_compile_args=["-march=native","-fopenmp"],libraries=['gomp']) return image
[docs] def calcNextPowerOfTwo(self, val): '''Calculated the power of two larger than ``val``. Used internally.''' ival = int(val) ival -= 1 ival = (ival >> 1) | ival ival = (ival >> 2) | ival ival = (ival >> 4) | ival ival = (ival >> 8) | ival ival = (ival >> 16) | ival ival += 1 return ival
def __init__(self, recSize, angles): self.recSize = recSize self.angles = angles self.nProj = len(angles) self.nDet = recSize self.cosA = np.cos(angles) self.sinA = np.sin(angles) self.filterSize = self.nDet+1 self.fSnpo2 = self.calcNextPowerOfTwo(2*self.filterSize) self.backProjImgSize = recSize self.forwProjSize = recSize*angles.shape[0] self.angles = angles self.T = ProjectorTranspose(self)