Source code for msdnet.operations

#Copyright 2019 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#License: MIT
#This file is part of MSDNet, a Python implementation of the
#Mixed-Scale Dense Convolutional Neural Network.

"""Module implementing network operations on CPU."""

import ctypes
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import os
import concurrent.futures as cf
import glob
import sys

if sys.platform == 'darwin':
    libpath = Path(__file__).parent / 'libcoperations.dylib'
    lib = ctypes.CDLL(str(libpath))
elif == 'nt':
    libpath = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent / 'bin' / 'coperations.dll'
    lib = ctypes.WinDLL(str(libpath))
    libpath = Path(__file__).parent / ''
    lib = ctypes.CDLL(str(libpath))

aslong = ctypes.c_uint64
asuint = ctypes.c_uint
asfloat = ctypes.c_float

cfloatp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)
[docs]def asfloatp(arr): return arr.ctypes.data_as(cfloatp)
cdoublep = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)
[docs]def asdoublep(arr): return arr.ctypes.data_as(cdoublep)
cintp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32)
[docs]def asintp(arr): return arr.ctypes.data_as(cintp)
lib.sum.restype = ctypes.c_float lib.std.restype = ctypes.c_float lib.multsum.restype = ctypes.c_float lib.squaresum.restype = ctypes.c_longdouble lib.gradientmap2d.restype = ctypes.c_float
[docs]def relu(inp): lib.relu(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), aslong(inp.size))
[docs]def leakyrelu(inp, w): lib.leakyrelu(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), aslong(inp.size), asfloat(w))
[docs]def sum(inp): return lib.sum(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), aslong(inp.size))
[docs]def std(inp, mn): return lib.std(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloat(mn), aslong(inp.size))
[docs]def multsum(a, b): return lib.multsum(asfloatp(a.ravel()), asfloatp(b.ravel()), aslong(a.size))
[docs]def softmax(inp): lib.softmax(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), aslong(inp[0].size), asuint(inp.shape[0]))
[docs]def squaresum(a): return lib.squaresum(asfloatp(a.ravel()),aslong(a.size))
[docs]def relu2(inp, out): lib.relu2(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloatp(out.ravel()), aslong(inp.size))
[docs]def leakyrelu2(inp, out, w): lib.leakyrelu2(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloatp(out.ravel()), aslong(inp.size), asfloat(w))
[docs]def combine(inp, out, w): lib.combine(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloatp(out.ravel()), aslong(inp.size), asfloat(w))
[docs]def conv2d(inp, out, f, d): shx = indexlist(d, out.shape[0]) shy = indexlist(d, out.shape[1]) lib.conv2d(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloatp(out.ravel()), asfloatp(f.ravel()), asuint(inp.shape[0]), asuint(inp.shape[1]), asintp(shx.ravel()), asintp(shy.ravel()))
[docs]def filtergradient2d(inp, delta, ux, uy): return lib.gradientmap2d(asfloatp(inp.ravel()), asfloatp(delta.ravel()), asuint(inp.shape[0]), asuint(inp.shape[1]), asintp(ux.ravel()), asintp(uy.ravel()))
# Utility functions idx_list = {}
[docs]def indexlist(d, shp): if (d, shp) in idx_list: return idx_list[(d, shp)] out = np.zeros((shp, 2), dtype=np.int32) out[:, 0] = range(-d,shp-d) out[:, 1] = range(d,shp+d) out[out<0] *=-1 msk = out>=shp out[msk] = 2*shp - out[msk] - 2 idx_list[(d, shp)] = out return out
[docs]def setthreads(nthrds): lib.set_threads(asuint(nthrds))
# Try to set number of threads to number of physical cores try: import psutil ncpu = psutil.cpu_count(logical=False) try: naff = len(psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()) if naff < ncpu: ncpu = naff except AttributeError: pass setthreads(ncpu) except ImportError: pass # Internal data object for intermediate images
[docs]class ImageData(object): """Object that represents a set of 2D images on CPU. :param shape: total shape of all images :param dl: list of dilations in the network :param nin: number of input images of network """ def __init__(self, shape, dl, nin): self.arr = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) self.dl = dl self.nin = nin
[docs] def setimages(self, ims): """Set data to set of images. :param ims: set of images """ self.arr[:ims.shape[0]] = ims
[docs] def setscalars(self, scl, start=0): """Set each image to a scalar. :param scl: scalar values """ self.arr[start:] = scl
[docs] def fill(self, val, start=None, end=None): """Set image data to single scalar value. :param val: scalar value """ self.arr[start:end] = val
[docs] def copy(self, start=None, end=None): """Return copy of image data.""" return self.arr[start:end].copy()
[docs] def get(self, start=None, end=None): """Return image data.""" return self.arr[start:end]
[docs] def add(self, val, i): """Add scalar to single image. :param val: scalar to add :param i: index of image to add value to """ self.arr[i] += val
[docs] def mult(self, val, i): """Multiply single image with value. :param val: value :param i: index of image to multiply """ combine(self.arr[i], self.arr[i], val-1)
[docs] def prepare_forw_conv(self, f): """Prepare for forward convolutions. :param f: convolution filters """ self.forw_f = f
[docs] def forw_conv(self, i, outidx, dl): """Perform forward convolutions :param i: image index to compute :param outidx: image index to write output to :param dl: dilation list """ f = self.forw_f[i] for j in range(outidx): conv2d(self.arr[j], self.arr[outidx], f[j], dl)
[docs] def prepare_back_conv(self, f): """Prepare for backward convolutions. :param f: convolution filters """ self.back_f = f
[docs] def back_conv(self, outidx, dl): """Perform backward convolutions :param outidx: image index to write output to :param dl: dilation list """ f = self.back_f[outidx] for i in range(outidx+1, self.arr.shape[0]): conv2d(self.arr[i], self.arr[outidx], f[i-outidx-1], dl[i])
@property def shape(self): return self.arr.shape
[docs] def relu(self, i): """Apply ReLU to single image.""" relu(self.arr[i])
[docs] def relu2(self, i, dat, j): """Apply backpropagation ReLU to single image.""" relu2(dat.arr[j], self.arr[i])
[docs] def combine_all_all(self, dat, w): """Compute linear combinations of images.""" for i in range(self.arr.shape[0]): for j in range(dat.arr.shape[0]): combine(dat.arr[j], self.arr[i], w[i,j])
[docs] def prepare_gradient(self): """Prepare for gradient computation.""" self.uxs = {} self.uys = {} shp = self.arr[0].shape for d in self.dl: for q in [-1,0,1]: if not q*d in self.uxs: tmp = np.zeros(shp[0], dtype=np.int32) tmp[:] = range(q*d, shp[0]+q*d) tmp[tmp<0] = -tmp[tmp<0] tmp[tmp>=shp[0]] = 2*shp[0] - tmp[tmp>=shp[0]] - 2 self.uxs[q*d] = tmp if not q*d in self.uys: tmp = np.zeros(shp[1], dtype=np.int32) tmp[:] = range(q*d, shp[1]+q*d) tmp[tmp<0] = -tmp[tmp<0] tmp[tmp>=shp[1]] = 2*shp[1] - tmp[tmp>=shp[1]] - 2 self.uys[q*d] = tmp
[docs] def filtergradientfull(self, ims): """Compute gradients for filters.""" gs = [] for i in range(len(self.dl)): d = self.dl[i] for j in range(self.nin+i): for q in [-1,0,1]: for r in [-1,0,1]: gs.append(filtergradient2d(ims.arr[j], self.arr[i], self.uxs[q*d], self.uys[r*d])) return np.array(gs)
[docs] def weightgradientall(self, delta): """Compute gradients for weights.""" out = np.zeros((delta.shape[0], self.arr.shape[0]),dtype=np.float32) for i in range(delta.shape[0]): for j in range(self.arr.shape[0]): out[i,j] = multsum(self.arr[j], delta.arr[i]) return out
[docs] def sumall(self): """Compute image sums.""" out = np.zeros(self.arr.shape[0], dtype=np.float32) for i in range(self.arr.shape[0]): out[i] = sum(self.arr[i]) return out
[docs] def softmax(self): """Compute softmax.""" softmax(self.arr)