Source code for msdnet.loggers

#Copyright 2019 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#License: MIT
#This file is part of MSDNet, a Python implementation of the
#Mixed-Scale Dense Convolutional Neural Network.

"""Module for logging progress during training."""

import abc
import skimage.transform as skt
import imageio
import numpy as np
import os.path

[docs]class Logger(abc.ABC): '''Base logger class Logs progress of validation set during training. ''' def __init__(self, *args, onlyifbetter=False, **kwargs): self.onlyifbetter = onlyifbetter self.initialize(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def makelog(self, v): '''Logs progress of validation set. To be implemented by each class. :param v: validation set ''' pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs): '''Initialize logger.''' pass
[docs] def log(self, v): '''Logs progress of validation set. :param v: validation set ''' if self.onlyifbetter and != v.curerr: return self.makelog(v)
[docs]class ConsoleLogger(Logger): '''Output error values to the console.'''
[docs] def initialize(self): pass
[docs] def makelog(self, v): print('Current error: ', v.curerr, ', Best error: ',
[docs]class FileLogger(Logger): '''Output error values to a file.'''
[docs] def initialize(self, fn): '''Initialize logger. :param fn: Filename to log error values to. ''' self.fn = fn with open(fn,'w') as _: pass
[docs] def makelog(self, v): with open(self.fn, 'a') as f: f.write('Current error: {}, Best error: {}\n'.format(v.curerr,
header_image = None header_dict = {}
[docs]def getheaderimage(width): """Return image header. :param width: width of image """ global header_image if width in header_dict: return header_dict[width] if header_image is None: header_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'image_logger_header.png') header_image = imageio.imread(header_filename).astype(np.float32)/255 header_dict[header_image.shape[1]] = header_image if width == header_image.shape[1]: return header_image res_image = skt.rescale(header_image, width/1536, preserve_range=True, mode='constant', anti_aliasing=True, multichannel=False) header_dict[width] = res_image return res_image
[docs]def stitchimages(ims, imsize=None, scaleoutput=True): """Stitch three images (input, target, output). :param ims: list of images to stitch :param imsize: (optional) Maximum size of image :param scaleoutput: (optional) whether to scale output image to target image range """ if imsize: sz = ims[0].shape fc = imsize/max(sz) if fc<1: osz = (int(fc*sz[0]), int(fc*sz[1])) sims = [] sims.append(skt.resize(ims[0],osz,preserve_range=True, mode='constant', anti_aliasing=True)) sims.append(skt.resize(ims[1],osz,preserve_range=True, mode='constant', anti_aliasing=True)) sims.append(skt.resize(ims[2],osz,preserve_range=True, mode='constant', anti_aliasing=True)) else: sims = [ims[0].copy(), ims[1].copy(), ims[2].copy()] else: sims = [ims[0].copy(), ims[1].copy(), ims[2].copy()] mn = sims[0].min() mx = sims[0].max() sims[0] -= mn if mx>mn: sims[0]/=(mx-mn) if scaleoutput: mn = sims[1].min() mx = sims[1].max() sims[1] -= mn sims[2] -= mn if mx>mn: sims[1]/=(mx-mn) sims[2]/=(mx-mn) sims[2][sims[2]<0]=0 sims[2][sims[2]>1]=1 allims = np.hstack(sims) head_im = getheaderimage(allims.shape[1]) if len(allims.shape) != len(head_im.shape): head_im = np.repeat(head_im[...,np.newaxis], 3, axis=2) return (np.vstack((head_im,allims))*255).astype(np.uint8)
[docs]class ImageLogger(Logger): '''Output best, worst, and typical images for validation set.'''
[docs] def initialize(self, fn, chan_in=0, chan_out=0, imsize=512): """Initialize logger. :param fn: base filename to output images to. :param chan_in: input channel to show :param chan_out: output channel to show :param imsize: maximum image size to output """ self.fn = fn = chan_in = chan_out self.imsize = imsize for tpe in ['best', 'worst', 'typical']: with open(fn+'_'+tpe+'.png','w') as _: pass
[docs] def toimage(self, ims): inp, tar, out = ims return stitchimages([inp[], tar[], out[]], self.imsize)
[docs] def makelog(self, v): imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_best.png',self.toimage(v.getbest())) imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_worst.png',self.toimage(v.getworst())) imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_typical.png',self.toimage(v.getmedian()))
[docs]class ImageLabelLogger(Logger): '''Output best, worst, and typical images for validation set for segmentation problems.'''
[docs] def initialize(self, fn, chan_in=0, imsize=512): """Initialize logger. :param fn: base filename to output images to. :param chan_in: input channel to show :param imsize: maximum image size to output """ self.fn = fn = chan_in self.imsize = imsize for tpe in ['best', 'worst', 'typical']: with open(fn+'_'+tpe+'.png','w') as _: pass self.colors = [ [0,0,0], [31,120,180], [51,160,44], [227,26,28], [255,127,0], [106,61,154], [255,255,153], [177,89,40], [166,206,227], [178,223,138], [251,154,153], [253,191,111], [202,178,214] ]
[docs] def toimage(self, ims): inp, tar, out = ims tar = np.argmax(tar,axis=0) out = np.argmax(out,axis=0) tm = tar.max() om = out.max() if tm>=13 or om>=13: tar = tar.astype(np.float32) out = out.astype(np.float32) inp = inp[] return stitchimages([inp, tar, out], self.imsize, scaleoutput=True) else: inp2 = np.zeros((*tar.shape,3),dtype=np.float32) tar2 = np.zeros((*tar.shape,3),dtype=np.float32) out2 = np.zeros((*tar.shape,3),dtype=np.float32) inp2[...,0] = inp[] inp2[...,1] = inp[] inp2[...,2] = inp[] for i in range(tm+1): tar2[tar==i] = self.colors[i] for i in range(om+1): out2[out==i] = self.colors[i] return stitchimages([inp2, tar2/255, out2/255], self.imsize, scaleoutput=False)
[docs] def makelog(self, v): imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_best.png',self.toimage(v.getbest())) imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_worst.png',self.toimage(v.getworst())) imageio.imsave(self.fn+'_typical.png',self.toimage(v.getmedian()))