Source code for nnfbp.Network

#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#This file is part of the PyNN-FBP, a Python implementation of the
#NN-FBP tomographic reconstruction method.
#PyNN-FBP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#PyNN-FBP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with PyNN-FBP. If not, see <>.

from TrainingData import *
import numpy as np

import tables as ts
import sys
import os
import Reductors 
import numexpr
import scipy.sparse as ss
import scipy.linalg as la
    import scipy.linalg.fblas as fblas
import time

[docs]class Network(object): ''' The neural network object that performs all training and reconstruction. :param nHiddenNodes: The number of hidden nodes in the network. :type nHiddenNodes: :class:`int` :param projector: The projector to use. :type projector: A ``Projector`` object (see, for example: :mod:`nnfbp.SimpleCPUProjector`) :param trainData: The training data set. :type trainData: A ``DataSet`` object (see: :mod:`nnfbp.DataSet`) :param valData: The validation data set. :type valData: A ``DataSet`` object (see: :mod:`nnfbp.DataSet`) :param reductor: Optional reductor to use. :type reductor: A ``Reductor`` object (see: :mod:`nnfbp.Reductors`, default:``LogSymReductor``) :param nTrain: Number of pixels to pick out of training set. :type nTrain: :class:`int` :param nVal: Number of pixels to pick out of validation set. :type nVal: :class:`int` :param tmpDir: Optional temporary directory to use. :type tmpDir: :class:`string` :param createEmptyClass: Used internally when loading from disk, to create an empty object. Do not use directly. :type createEmptyClass: :class:`boolean` ''' def __init__(self, nHiddenNodes, projector, trainData, valData, reductor=None,nTrain=1000000,nVal = 1000000,tmpDir=None,createEmptyClass=False): self.proj = projector self.__setOutCircle() if createEmptyClass==True: return self.tD = trainData self.vD = valData if not reductor==None: = reductor else: = Reductors.LogSymReductor(projector.filterSize) self.tmpDir = tmpDir self.nHid = nHiddenNodes self.nIn = self.nT = nTrain self.nV = nVal self.jacDiff = np.zeros((self.nHid) * (self.nIn+1) + self.nHid + 1); self.jac2 = np.zeros(((self.nHid) * (self.nIn+1) + self.nHid + 1, (self.nHid) * (self.nIn+1) + self.nHid + 1)) def __setOutCircle(self): '''Creates a :class:`numpy.ndarray` mask of a circle''' xx, yy = np.mgrid[:self.proj.recSize, :self.proj.recSize] mid = (self.proj.recSize-1.)/2. circle = (xx - mid) ** 2 + (yy - mid) ** 2 bnd = self.proj.recSize**2/4. self.outCircle=circle>bnd def __inittrain(self): '''Initialize training parameters, create actual training and validation sets by picking random pixels from the datasets''' self.l1 = 2 * np.random.rand(self.nIn+1, self.nHid) - 1 beta = 0.7 * self.nHid ** (1. / (self.nIn)) l1norm = np.linalg.norm(self.l1) self.l1 *= beta / l1norm self.l2 = 2 * np.random.rand(self.nHid + 1) - 1 self.l2 /= np.linalg.norm(self.l2) self.minl1 = self.l1.copy() self.minl2 = self.l2.copy() self.tTD = HDF5TrainingData(self.tD,self.nT,self) self.vTD = HDF5TrainingData(self.vD,self.nV,self) self.minmax = self.tTD.getMinMax() self.tTD.normalizeData(self.minmax[0], self.minmax[1], self.minmax[2], self.minmax[3]) self.vTD.normalizeData(self.minmax[0], self.minmax[1], self.minmax[2], self.minmax[3]) self.ident = np.eye((self.nHid) * (self.nIn+1) + self.nHid + 1) def __sigmoid(self,x): '''Sigmoid function''' return numexpr.evaluate("1./(1.+exp(-x))") def __createFilters(self): '''After training, creates the actual filters and offsets by undoing the scaling.''' self.minL = self.minmax[0] self.maxL = self.minmax[1] self.minIn = self.minmax[2] self.maxIn = self.minmax[3] mindivmax = self.minL/(self.maxL-self.minL) mindivmax[np.isnan(mindivmax)]=0 mindivmax[np.isinf(mindivmax)]=0 divmaxmin = 1./(self.maxL-self.minL) divmaxmin[np.isnan(divmaxmin)]=0 divmaxmin[np.isinf(divmaxmin)]=0 self.filters = np.empty((self.nHid,[0])) self.offsets = np.empty(self.nHid) for i in xrange(self.nHid): wv = 2*self.l1[0:self.l1.shape[0]-1,i]*divmaxmin self.filters[i] = self.offsets[i] = 2*[0:self.l1.shape[0]-1,i],mindivmax) + np.sum(self.l1[:,i]) def __processDataBlock(self,data): ''' Returns output values (``vals``), 'correct' output values (``valOut``) and hidden node output values (``hiddenOut``) from a block of data.''' valOut = data[:, -1].copy() data[:, -1] = -np.ones(data.shape[0]) hiddenOut = np.empty((data.shape[0],self.l1.shape[1]+1)) hiddenOut[:,0:self.l1.shape[1]] = self.__sigmoid(, self.l1)) hiddenOut[:,-1] = -1 rawVals =, self.l2) vals = self.__sigmoid(rawVals) return vals,valOut,hiddenOut def __getTSE(self, dat): '''Returns the total squared error of a data block''' tse = 0. for i in xrange(dat.nBlocks): data = dat.getDataBlock(i) vals,valOut,hiddenOut = self.__processDataBlock(data) tse += numexpr.evaluate('sum((vals - valOut)**2)') return tse def __setJac2(self): '''Calculates :math:`J^T J` and :math:`J^T e` for the training data. Used for Levenberg-Marquardt method.''' self.jac2.fill(0) self.jacDiff.fill(0) for i in xrange(self.tTD.nBlocks): data = self.tTD.getDataBlock(i) vals,valOut,hiddenOut = self.__processDataBlock(data) diffs = numexpr.evaluate('valOut - vals') jac = np.empty((data.shape[0], (self.nHid) * (self.nIn+1) + self.nHid + 1)) d0 = numexpr.evaluate('-vals * (1 - vals)') ot = (np.outer(d0, self.l2)) dj = numexpr.evaluate('hiddenOut * (1 - hiddenOut) * ot') I = np.tile(np.arange(data.shape[0]), (self.nHid + 1, 1)).flatten('F') J = np.arange(data.shape[0] * (self.nHid + 1)) Q = ss.csc_matrix((dj.flatten(), np.vstack((J, I))), (data.shape[0] * (self.nHid + 1), data.shape[0])) jac[:, 0:self.nHid + 1] = ss.spdiags(d0, 0, data.shape[0], data.shape[0]).dot(hiddenOut) Q2 = np.reshape(, (data.shape[0],(self.nIn+1) * (self.nHid + 1))) jac[:, self.nHid + 1:jac.shape[1]] = Q2[:, 0:Q2.shape[1] - (self.nIn+1)] if hasfblas: self.jac2 += fblas.dgemm(1.0,a=jac.T,b=jac.T,trans_b=True) self.jacDiff += fblas.dgemv(1.0,a=jac.T,x=diffs) else: self.jac2 +=,jac) self.jacDiff +=,diffs)
[docs] def train(self): '''Train the network using the Levenberg-Marquardt method.''' self.__inittrain() mu = 100000.; muUpdate = 10; prevValError = np.Inf bestCounter = 0 tse = self.__getTSE(self.tTD) curTime = time.time() for i in xrange(1000000): self.__setJac2() dw = -la.cho_solve(la.cho_factor(self.jac2 + mu * self.ident), self.jacDiff) done = -1 while done <= 0: self.l2 += dw[0:self.nHid + 1] for k in xrange(self.nHid): start = self.nHid + 1 + k * (self.nIn+1); self.l1[:, k] += dw[start:start + self.nIn+1] newtse = self.__getTSE(self.tTD) if newtse < tse: if done == -1: mu /= muUpdate if mu <= 1e-100: mu = 1e-99 done = 1; else: done = 0; mu *= muUpdate if mu >= 1e20: done = 2 break; self.l2 -= dw[0:self.nHid + 1] for k in xrange(self.nHid): start = self.nHid + 1 + k * (self.nIn+1); self.l1[:, k] -= dw[start:start + self.nIn+1] dw = -la.cho_solve(la.cho_factor(self.jac2 + mu * self.ident), self.jacDiff) gradSize = np.linalg.norm(self.jacDiff) if done == 2: break curValErr = self.__getTSE(self.vTD) if curValErr > prevValError: bestCounter += 1 else: prevValError = curValErr self.minl1 = self.l1.copy() self.minl2 = self.l2.copy() if (newtse / tse < 0.999): bestCounter = 0 else: bestCounter +=1 if bestCounter == 50: break if(gradSize < 1e-8): break tse = newtse print 'Validation set error:', prevValError self.l1 = self.minl1 self.l2 = self.minl2 self.valErr = prevValError self.tTD.close() self.vTD.close() self.__createFilters()
[docs] def reconstruct(self,sinogram): '''Reconstruct an image from a sinogram, after training. :param sinogram: The sinogram to reconstruct. :type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray` ''' reco = np.zeros((self.proj.recSize,self.proj.recSize)) for i in xrange(self.nHid): mult = float(self.l2[i]) offs = float(self.offsets[i]) back = self.proj.reconstructWithFilter(sinogram,self.filters[i]) reco += numexpr.evaluate('mult/(1.+exp(-(back-offs)))') reco = self.__sigmoid(reco-self.l2[-1]) #scipy.weave.inline(self.inplaceScaleCode,['minIn','maxIn','reco','size'],compiler = 'gcc',verbose=1,extra_compile_args=['-march=native','-fopenmp'],extra_link_args=['-lgomp']) reco = (reco-0.25)*2*(self.maxIn-self.minIn) + self.minIn reco[self.outCircle]=0 return reco
[docs] def saveToDisk(self,fn): '''Save a trained network to disk, so that it can be used later without retraining. :param fn: Filename to save it to. :type fn: :class:`string` ''' f = ts.openFile(fn,mode='w') atom = ts.Atom.from_dtype(self.filters.dtype) ds = f.createCArray(f.root, "filters", atom,self.filters.shape) ds[:] = self.filters atom = ts.Atom.from_dtype(self.offsets.dtype) ds = f.createCArray(f.root, "offsets", atom,self.offsets.shape) ds[:] = self.offsets atom = ts.Atom.from_dtype(self.l2.dtype) ds = f.createCArray(f.root, "l2", atom,self.l2.shape) ds[:] = self.l2 f.createArray('/', 'minmax', [self.minIn,self.maxIn], "") f.close()
[docs]def readFromDisk(fn,projector): '''Read a saved network from disk. The specified projector should be similar to the one used during training. :param fn: Filename to load network from. :type fn: :class:`string` :param projector: Projector to use when reconstructing. :type projector: A ``Projector`` object (see, for example: :mod:`nnfbp.SimpleCPUProjector`) :returns: A :class:`nnfbp.Network.Network` instance, ready to reconstruct with. ''' n = Network(None,projector,None,None,createEmptyClass=True) f = ts.openFile(fn,mode='r') n.filters = f.getNode('/','filters').read() n.offsets = f.getNode('/','offsets').read() n.l2 = f.getNode('/','l2').read() arr = f.getNode('/','minmax').read() n.minIn = arr[0] n.maxIn = arr[1] f.close() n.proj = projector n.nHid = n.filters.shape[0] return n