Source code for nnfbp.DataSet

#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#This file is part of the PyNN-FBP, a Python implementation of the
#NN-FBP tomographic reconstruction method.
#PyNN-FBP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#PyNN-FBP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with PyNN-FBP. If not, see <>.

'''This module has some implementations of the DataSet interface that is 
used in PyNN-FBP. A dataset should be an iterable object, that returns
a :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` (image, sinogram, angles). A
dataset should also define the :class:`int` `nImages`, that gives the number
of images in the set. A user can write other implementations suitable to
their datasets.

	import tables as ts
except ImportError:

	import fabio
except ImportError:
import numpy as np
import scipy.weave

[docs]class PhantomSet(object): ''' Data set of phantom simulation data. :param proj: A projector. :type proj: :class:`Projector` :param phantom: A phantom (see :mod:`nnfbp.Phantoms`). :type phantom: :class:`Phantom` :param nImages: Number of images in the set. :type nImages: :class:`int` :param reduceFactor: Factor to reduce the number of detectors by. :type reduceFactor: :class:`int` :param I0: Number of virtual photon counts during Poisson noise addition. :type I0: :class:`int` :param recP: Projector to use for reconstructing the sinogram. :type recP: :class:`Projector` :param fwP: Projector to use for forward projecting the sinogram. :type fwP: :class:`Projector` ''' __meanImageShrinkCode=""" #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(fac,sz) for(int x=0;x<sz;x++){ for(int y=0;y<sz;y++){ image(x,y)=0.; for(int x2=fac*x;x2<fac*(x+1);x2++){ for(int y2=fac*y;y2<fac*(y+1);y2++){ image(x,y)+=imageIn(x2,y2); } } image(x,y)/=fac*fac; } } """
[docs] def addnoisetosino(self,sinogramRaw): max_sinogramRaw = sinogramRaw.max() sinogramRawScaled = sinogramRaw / max_sinogramRaw sinogramCT = self.I0 * np.exp(-sinogramRawScaled) sinogramCT_C = np.zeros_like(sinogramCT) for i in xrange(sinogramCT_C.shape[0]): for j in xrange(sinogramCT_C.shape[1]): sinogramCT_C[i, j] = np.random.poisson(sinogramCT[i, j]) sinogramCT_D = sinogramCT_C / self.I0 return -max_sinogramRaw * np.log(sinogramCT_D)
def __init__(self,proj,phantom,nImages,reduceFactor=None,I0=None,recP=None,fwP=None): self.proj = proj = phantom self.nImages = nImages self.rF = reduceFactor self.I0 = I0 self.recP = recP self.fwP = fwP def __len__(self): return self.nImages def __getitem__(self,i): ''' Get item ``i`` from the set. :returns: :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- (image, sinogram, angles) ''' if i<0 or i>=self.nImages: raise IndexError() imageIn = if not self.fwP==None: prj = self.fwP else: prj = self.proj sinoIn = prj*imageIn if not self.I0==None: sinoIn = self.addnoisetosino(sinoIn) if not self.rF==None: fac = self.rF sz = imageIn.shape[0]/fac sino = np.empty((sinoIn.shape[0],sinoIn.shape[1]/fac)) image = np.zeros((sz,sz)) for q in xrange(sino.shape[1]): sino[:,q] = sinoIn[:,range(fac*q,fac*(q+1))].sum(1) sino/=fac*fac scipy.weave.inline(self.__meanImageShrinkCode,['sz','image','imageIn','fac'],compiler = 'gcc',verbose=1,extra_link_args=['-lgomp'],extra_compile_args=['-march=native','-fopenmp'],type_converters = scipy.weave.converters.blitz) else: sino = sinoIn image = imageIn if not self.recP==None: image = self.recP.reconstruct('FBP_CUDA',sino) if not self.fwP==None: fca = self.fwP.nProj/self.proj.nProj sino = sino[0:sino.shape[0]:fca,:] return (image,sino,self.proj.angles)
[docs]class EDFSet(object): def __init__(self,imgfiles,sinofiles,angles,nproj=None): if not hasfabio: raise Exception("FabIO has to be installed to use EDFSet") self.nImages = len(files) self.angles = angles self.nproj=nproj self.imgfiles = imgfiles self.sinofiles = sinofiles def __len__(self): return self.nImages def __getitem__(self,i): ''' Get image ``i`` from the set. :returns: :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- (image, sinogram, angles) ''' if i<0 or i>=self.nImages: raise IndexError() fl =[i]) image = fl =[i]) sino = angles = self.angles.copy() if not self.nproj==None: picked = np.array(np.round(np.linspace(0,sino.shape[0],self.nproj,False)), sino = sino[picked,:] angles = angles[picked] return (image,sino,angles)
[docs]class MATSet(object): def __init__(self,files,angles,nproj=None,sinoname='sino',recname='rec'): self.nImages = len(files) self.angles = angles self.nproj=nproj self.files = files self.sinoname=sinoname self.recname=recname def __len__(self): return self.nImages def __getitem__(self,i): ''' Get image ``i`` from the set. :returns: :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- (image, sinogram, angles) ''' if i<0 or i>=self.nImages: raise IndexError() fl =[i]) image = fl[self.recname] sino = fl[self.sinoname] angles = self.angles.copy() if not self.nproj==None: picked = np.array(np.round(np.linspace(0,sino.shape[0],self.nproj,False)), sino = sino[picked,:] angles = angles[picked] if 'mask' in fl: return (image,sino,angles,fl['mask']) else: return (image,sino,angles)
[docs]class HDF5Set(object): '''Dataset defined by a HDF5 file. The HDF5 file should contain an array with the name ``nameArray`` (default:``'names'``), which has a row for each image. The first column gives the name of the array with the image data, the second column the name of the array with sinogram data, and the optional third column should give the name of the array with angle data. One can also define an array with the name ``globalAngles`` (default:``'angles'``), that gives the angle data for all images. Example HDF5 file: - ``/names``: ``[ ['img01','sino01'],['img02','sino02']]`` - ``/img01``: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with an image - ``/sino01``: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with a sinogram - ``/img02``: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with an image - ``/sino02``: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with a sinogram - ``/angles``: :class:`numpy.ndarray` with angle data :param fn: Filename of the HDF5 file :type fn: :class:`string` :param nproj: Optional number of angles to downsample to :type nproj: :class:`int` :param nameArray: Array name of the nameArray (default:``'names'``) :type nameArray: :class:`string` :param globalAngles: Array name of the globalAngles (default:``'angles'``) :type globalAngles: :class:`string` :param normalize: Whether to normalize images to `(0,1)` range (default:``True``) :type normalize: :class:`boolean` ''' def __init__(self,fn,nproj=None,nameArray='names',globalAngles='angles',normalize=True): if not hastables: raise Exception("PyTables has to be installed to use HDF5Set") self.fn = fn h5file = ts.openFile(self.fn, mode='r') self.names = h5file.getNode(h5file.root, nameArray).read() self.nImages = len(self.names) self.globalAngles = globalAngles h5file.close() self.norm = normalize self.nproj = nproj def __len__(self): return self.nImages def __getitem__(self,i): ''' Get image ``i`` from the set. :returns: :class:`tuple` of :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- (image, sinogram, angles) ''' if i<0 or i>=self.nImages: raise IndexError() h5file = ts.openFile(self.fn, mode='r') image = h5file.getNode(h5file.root, self.names[i][0]).read() sino = h5file.getNode(h5file.root, self.names[i][1]).read() if len(self.names[i])<3: angles = h5file.getNode(h5file.root, self.globalAngles).read() else: angles = h5file.getNode(h5file.root, self.names[i][2]).read() h5file.close() if self.norm: maxI = image.max() image /= maxI sino /= maxI if not self.nproj==None: origNproj = sino.shape[0] sino = sino[np.array(np.round(np.linspace(0,origNproj,self.nproj,False)),,:] angles = angles[np.array(np.round(np.linspace(0,origNproj,self.nproj,False)),] return (image,sino,angles)