#Copyright 2013 Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Amsterdam
#Author: Daniel M. Pelt
#Contact: D.M.Pelt@cwi.nl
#Website: http://dmpelt.github.io/pynnfbp/
#This file is part of the PyNN-FBP, a Python implementation of the
#NN-FBP tomographic reconstruction method.
#PyNN-FBP is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#(at your option) any later version.
#PyNN-FBP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#GNU General Public License for more details.
#You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#along with PyNN-FBP. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import astra as at
import math
import numpy as np
[docs]class ASTRAProjector2DTranspose():
"""Implements the ``proj.T`` functionality.
Do not use directly, since it can be accessed as member ``.T`` of
an :class:`ASTRAProjector2D` object.
def __init__(self,parentProj):
self.parentProj = parentProj
def __mul__(self,data):
return self.parentProj.backProject(data)
[docs]class ASTRAProjector2D(object):
"""Implementation of the projector interface using the ASTRA toolbox with CUDA.
A projector needs to implement:
* Forward projecting
* Back projecting
* Creating a FBP reconstruction with a custom filter
You can use this class as an abstracted weight matrix :math:`W`: multiplying an instance
``proj`` of this class by an image results in a forward projection of the image, and multiplying
``proj.T`` by a sinogram results in a backprojection of the sinogram::
proj = ASTRAProjector2D(...)
fp = proj*image
bp = proj.T*sinogram
:param proj_geom: The projection geometry.
:type proj_geom: :class:`dict`
:param vol_geom: The volume geometry.
:type vol_geom: :class:`dict`
:param offsets: Optional offsets for the detectors
:type offsets: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
def __init__(self,proj_geom,vol_geom,offsets=None):
self.vol_geom = vol_geom
self.recSize = vol_geom['GridColCount']
self.angles = proj_geom['ProjectionAngles']
self.nDet = proj_geom['DetectorCount']
nexpow = int(pow(2, math.ceil(math.log(2*self.nDet, 2))))
self.filterSize = nexpow/2 +1
self.nProj = self.angles.shape[0]
self.proj_geom = proj_geom
filt_proj_geom = at.create_proj_geom('parallel',1.0,self.filterSize,self.angles)
if not offsets==None:
self.proj_geom['option'] = {}
self.proj_geom['option']['ExtraDetectorOffset'] = offsets
filt_proj_geom['option'] = {}
filt_proj_geom['option']['ExtraDetectorOffset'] = offsets
self.filt_id = at.data2d.create('-sino', filt_proj_geom, 0)
self.sino_id = at.data2d.create('-sino', self.proj_geom, 0)
self.vol_id = at.data2d.create('-vol',self.vol_geom,0)
forwProjString = 'FP_CUDA'
backProjString = 'BP_CUDA'
cfg = at.astra_dict(backProjString)
cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = self.sino_id
cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = self.vol_id
self.backProjAlgorithm = at.algorithm.create(cfg)
cfg = at.astra_dict(forwProjString)
cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = self.sino_id
cfg['VolumeDataId'] = self.vol_id
self.forwProjAlgorithm = at.algorithm.create(cfg)
self.T = ASTRAProjector2DTranspose(self)
[docs] def backProject(self,sinogram):
"""Backproject a sinogram.
:param sinogram: The sinogram data
:type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The backprojection.
return at.data2d.get(self.vol_id)
[docs] def forwProject(self,image):
"""Forward project an image.
:param image: The image data.
:type image: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The forward projection.
return at.data2d.get(self.sino_id)
[docs] def reconstructWithFilter(self,sinogram,filt):
"""Create a FBP reconstruction of the sinogram with a custom filter
:param sinogram: The sinogram data
:type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:param filt: 1D custom filter
:type filt: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The reconstruction.
cfg = at.astra_dict('FBP_CUDA')
cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = self.sino_id
cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = self.vol_id
cfg['FilterType'] = 'rsinogram'
cfg['FilterSinogramId'] = self.filt_id
recoAlg = at.algorithm.create(cfg)
return at.data2d.get(self.vol_id)
[docs] def reconstruct(self,method,sinogram,nIters=1,fbpfilter=None):
"""Helper function to reconstruct a sinogram using the ASTRA toolbox.
This function does not have to be implemented by other projectors, as
it is not used by PyNN-FBP.
:param method: Name of the reconstruction algorithm.
:type method: :class:`string`
:param sinogram: The sinogram data
:type sinogram: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
:param nIters: Number of iterations to run.
:type nIters: :class:`int`
:param fbpfilter: Optional string to specify FBP filter (hamming, hann, etc)
:type fbpfilter: :class:`string`
:returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- The reconstruction.
cfg = at.astra_dict(method)
if not 'CUDA' in method: raise Exception('Use CUDA algorithms only')
cfg['ProjectionDataId'] = self.sino_id
cfg['ReconstructionDataId'] = self.vol_id
if not fbpfilter==None:
recoAlg = at.algorithm.create(cfg)
return at.data2d.get(self.vol_id)
def __mul__(self,data):
return self.forwProject(data)