Welcome to FoamCTPhantom’s documentation!

A Python package for generating foam-like phantoms for CT.

A publication about this code is currently in preparation.

Development of this code is supported by Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), with financial support provided by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), project number 016.Veni.192.235.


To install this code in a conda environment, run:

conda install -c conda-forge foam_ct_phantom

In other environments, the code can be installed by running:

python setup.py install

The code requires the following Python modules: numpy, scipy, tqdm, h5py, psutil, numba, sortedcollections, pathlib2. For compiling the code, the scikit-build module is required.

To run on GPU (only for faster cone-beam projection generation), a CUDA-capable GPU must be present and CUDA drivers must be installed. In addition, please make sure that the version of the cudatoolkit package installed by conda matches the CUDA version of your drivers. Specific versions of cudatoolkit can be installed by running (where ‘X.X’ is the CUDA version, e.g. ‘10.0’):

conda install cudatoolkit=X.X


Please see the example scripts for usage information.